Monday, January 29, 2007

happy aussie day, happy job-starting day

friday consisted of becoming an honorary Aussie. i had a bundy & coke, a vegemite sandwich ( ew), minties, and Snakes Alive! watched old aussie soaps on the big-screen TV and had a cry over some steve irwin footage. also played a drinking game wherein one had to periodically stand up and sing the chorus to a famous australian song--i damn near had their national anthem memorized by the end of the night. after that, returned to our beloved basement bar and danced around to old 70s tunes with Christine and a couple of French girls. all in all, it was a very veyr fun friday.

saturday was shopping and laundry day, nothing much to report there, except that thanks to on-sale Herbal Essences my hair is on its way to recovery. i laid down (food coma from the the very fatty fish and chips i had for lunch) and read Wicked for longer than i meant to, then went grocery shopping with Christine. We cooked a lovely pasta dinner and had some excellent conversation with D.J., yet another Aussie here at the hostel. Back in Australia, he works as a butcher. Also spent a fair amount of time with this really nice Asian chick from Canada, whose name I never learned. She doesnt seem to be liking it here too much, and last night she got some sort of skin itch, so I have a feeling shes going to take off. She was really cool but had a saliva thing--she talks like the Sloth in Ice Age. so the evening went on with talking, and christina said she was interested in coming to Slovenia with me (I want to go at the end of March when my Benenden stint is over).

Sunday--nyeh until about 3, when I went to Evil Eye to meet Alayne, a girl I almost flatmated with here. Shes from Edinburgh, goes to school in Bristol every other week and works here in York for flood prevention, or some craziness like that. She was nice. After that I went to Taizé in the Minster, which was lamer than I had hoped. :-(. I think I need a service with a bit more structure to feel like I've actually done something with my spiritual self. And I didn't even relax that much, sadly, because I was so worked up about work tomorrow. The evening ended OK. I took out The Cable Guy to watch in the TV room, went upstairs to grab a sweatshirt, and when I came back down the TV was taken. That made me a little mad.

Work today: a lot to take in. I think my head is going to explode, so I dont want to write about it yet. Ill see how tomorrow goes, and see how much I can decompress during rehearsal tonight (#3-- we should be getting to Lacrimosa tonight. yay!!)

...speaking of which, I must be off to snarf up my dinner and then get to rehearsal on time. I know this wasnt a particularly entertaining blog, because im in a hurry and have to go. but heres something funny Ill leave you with:

last night in the showers I found a bottle of Vagisial Feminine Cleansing Gel. We don't have that in the USA as far as I know. Further proof that Eurpeans are whores (joke!!!!). I have narrowed it down to 2 people here to whom it could belong.

cheers for now. read and comment.

1 comment:

Linus Lau: jackhammer said...


You are hilarious writing "read and comment," since I would have read the entire entry already by the time I got to that sentence...

My sidekick is also breaking... I am pissed. I don't know how you write so much... I'm tired already!