Thursday, February 1, 2007

the North Yorkshire brogue..., if you hear a real one, hard to understand. it's its own separate language nearly! it is my mission this weekend to find one.

i heard a couple smidgens yesterday and i have developed a taste. The lady who sits nest to me here asked if I needed "summat paper" Facilities some guy came in asking if something was supposed to be delivered "innut car park." The funniest was when I kept hearing a lady say in frustration, "where are my khakis? where the bloody hell could my khakis be?" I was thinking to myself, how can it be so hard to forget where you put a pair of pants? ...and then it dawned on me, she was saying her car keys.

i also heard a couple of fellas in Facilities trading stories about their childhood days in what sounded like the British equivalent of JROTC. One guy kept talking about two characters named Freak Michaels and Corporal Jim. Sounded like a comic strip!! They were trading stories about what pranks they sued to pull and such, it was so great i purposely sorted the mail verrry slowly, so i could listen and soak in the "local color".

I had my first overnight door shift last night. not too busy, but im sure when i do ti again on friday i wont be getting much sleep. ach, well, such is the price for free rent.

....i hope someone wants to go out for a drink with me tonight. to celebrate my new haircut i plan on getting.

1 comment:

Linus Lau: jackhammer said...

I actually have no idea what ""summat paper"..and "innut car park." are supposed to mean....