Thursday, April 19, 2007

Out Of Obligation

I haven't updated in a while, I know. I think part of it has been that the weather has been so gorgeous I haven't had my thoughts on updating so much, another part is that nothing really has been happening....and I guess I've just been lazy.

So in the last 2 weeks or so we have welcomed 2 new people to MH: a wonderful new Aussie named Sue, and an equally wonderful Israeli girl named Amit. They're awesome. Naomi returned 2 days after I did from my vacation, and the four of us have been hanging out constantly (well not so much Amit...she prefers to go online/smoke/bone guys) and it's been fun.

For Easter we had a taco dinner. Why do Aussies think it's correct to put SPINACH and MUSHROOMS on their tacos? And that mozzarella cheese is as good as any for tacos? You should have seen my face when Naomi put the grated mozzarella in the cart. And you should have seen my face when they looked at my reaction blankly and said, "um, how does it matter what kind of cheese?" How does it matter!?!?!?? Blasphemy!!

Not much went on the next week or weekend, except that weather was absoluetly fabulous and I spent every minute of it outside tanning. I got a little color :-).

This week has been OK, going to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat tonight, as a treat to myself, and tomorrow I'm going to visit Sarah (finally!) in the Lakes.

I am counting the days til I come home. I have already purchased and sent off for my new Samsung phone, and next week at this time I'll have my first bank transfer done. Also at this time, I will be done with my LAST DOOR SHIFT! That's certainly cause for celebration!!

I'm a little sad that tomorrow will be the last time I see Naomi for a long time, and I'm crap at goodbyes...but such is life. i wish I was the one leaving tomorrow. My mood today is not stellar but that's mostly becuase I've gotten so little sleep.

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