Wednesday, June 25, 2008

this just to say... let the world know that I am still here, in one piece believe it or not.

I'm trying this new heath kick. It's sort of an amorphous diet consisting of me seeing just how much willpower I have. I've been having salads for lunch the last two days, minimal carbs, no soda, caffeine only in the form of green tea....I've been trying to swim every day too but I keep getting earaches. Something will have to be done about this, I suppose.

All this couldn't have come a moment too soon, as it is summertime.

I go to the lake in just about a week. I am very excited to be going. I guess I know that things are going to be different than how theyve been in the past, and different than what I expected, but it's still the lake, it's still family and it will be ok.

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