Monday, March 9, 2009

mimi-vacay end

My brother left this morning, after spending his spring break here in LA with me. I miss him so much my heart feels like it's being pulled apart, even though we got into arguments and disagreements while he was here. I suppose we always will do that, we're just different in very key ways. But I think he knows how much I care for him and worry about him and will always have my back. And I know that he always has my best interests at heart, even though he shows it in very different ways.

I wish I was his age again, when my only real care in the world was getting my homework done and getting good grades, and hanging out with my friends. Somewhere along the way that all came to a screeching halt, and now what plagues my mind is the constant fear of the future, and worry about my family.

.....This week has been filled with craziness, both great and not-so-great. All this energy, drinking, money spent, fights, hugs, laughing, crying, has exhausted me.

This morning I sat on the couch with Al and just watched some episodes of Family Guy. We laughed together and it felt like home.

I didn't want to let go of Al today when I hugged him at the airport.

I'm such an old sap.

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